FXNext Multi trading platform - ONE SIMPLE INSTALLATION!
FXNext - all in one system contains popular trading platforms as Forex, Crypto, Binary Options, with embedded clients portal that included important features as full money processing and helpdesk
Important! Can be customized to any level of need! The components of the system can be used both collectively and singly.
Technological scheme of the FXNext system operation:

For the first time in the market, we have prepared a product that allows you to fully combine work with Forex markets, Binary Options, Crypto and user management system.
Our system allows you to switch between trades in one window, without being distracted by the movements between different platforms.
We position our product as a replacement for the famous Meta Trader terminal.
The use of FXNext is greatly simplified by additional functions that help brokers work, such as a new unique interface with a variety of settings and output data.
After downloading the software to the computer, the user gets access to all the functions and capabilities of the system.
The platform consists of the following parts:
- trading server (forex, binary options, cryptocurrency);
- administrator part;
- user part;
- CRM;
- Webtrader part;
- Desktop trader part;
- Mobile APP trader part.
- MAM\PAMM part;
- Multi Agent Commissions function;
Advantages of this type of terminal for work consist:
Advantage 1
Advantage 2
Advantage 3
Advantage 4
Advantage 5
Advantage 6
Full support Ubridge (FIX BRIDGE) technology!
To start earning on Binary options \ FOREX \ Crypto via FXNext, the user needs to select the direction of trade (CALL / PUT), and the timeframe for changing the price based on the platform indicators, and conclude the contract.
The new tool detects price changes and then confirms them using a number of methods (it also uses a series of filters to avoid the risk of getting lower quality signals).
Multi Agent Commissions!
FXNext's built-in function for multi-agent commissions allows you to distribute agent commissions by points or money to an unlimited number of agents or IB subordinates.
Any changes are updated in real time and does not require a restart of the FXNext server. You can set multiple filters using groups / accounts and / or characters.
The FXNext Multi Agent Commissions feature allows the broker to distribute the spread commission between your representative brokers and affiliates with maximum flexibility compared to the standard setting. Flexibility is demonstrated by the ability of the broker to distribute commissions to any number of agents based on the position symbol, group of accounts and account number.
The size of the commission can be set in % or in points of the size of the transaction. The multi-agent commission tool provides the broker with a simple and effective commission management solution.
The main advantages of the FXNext product are:
Main advantage 1
Main advantage 2
Main advantage 3
Main advantage 4
Main advantage 5
Main advantage 6
Main advantage 7
Main advantage 8
Main advantage 9
Brokers have the opportunity to trade in several markets at once, using a single account to work with Binary options, Сrypto or Forex market instruments.
Unique opportunities for technical analysis.
Extensive implementation of technical analysis on the platform will surprise even the most experienced brokers. The FXNext user terminal is the only terminal in which a variety of timeframes for any currency/crypto pairs is presented.
For the satisfaction of the needs of each trader, there are 38 indicators. All of them are well grouped and can be personalized. And to whom this is not enough - the function of manual addition of indicators is offered.
There are 29 different elements for drawing, among which are all the known lines, channels, icons and others, which greatly expand the possibilities of technical analysis.
In addition to everything else, the terminal allows you to switch the graphic styles, change the color scheme, and also monitor several charts in one window at the same time, placing them in a favorable sequence.
Also, the FXNext product suite includes a built-in accounting system.
Key features of the accounting system:
Trader Portal
- View account history.
- Manage downloads. Ability to upload user files (documents) to the server to provide them to the White Label manager.
- Access to manager downloads (installations, etc.).
- Ability to replenish the account in automatic mode.
- Ability to withdraw funds from the account through the application manager White Label.
- Ability to interact with the White Label manager through the Ticket Management system (for example, requests for certain actions).
Manager Portal
In the admin mode
- management of managers, products, White Label and file downloads available for traders;
- All functionality of the manager for all White Label (also in all catalogs available filter on the White Label).
In the manager mode
- View downloads of files for traders (which are implemented by the portal administrator).
- View the documents loaded by traders.
- View deposit transactions.
- Management of applications for debiting funds from traders' accounts (i.e., viewing, execution, change of status).
- Full access to all transactions with the ability to edit.
- Full access to groups.
- Full access to user accounts.
- System of interaction with traders through Ticket Management.
Each manager is provided with a White Label, which filters data available to the manager, i.e., groups tied to the White Label accounts tied to the group, and then all objects are linked to the account.
Huge importance is given to data protection. For example, "unloading" the client base from CRM by a person without access rights is completely impossible. In addition, FXNext has a built-in structure for tracking all trader's data (deposits, withdrawals, money orders, etc.). A multi-level system is designed to form the backbone of traders with maximum performance. The above set of services allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the work of staff by preserving the history of actions. Thus, the activity of each manager becomes absolutely transparent, and individual indicators of employees can be tracked, from the made calls and ending with conversion statistics.
With the help of the FXNext accounting system, you can collect a customer base and attach sales agents to them. The main actions of employees after the registration of the client are standard and not too numerous - these are deposits, requests for withdrawal of funds and various technical issues. The entire history of customer actions is automatically registered within the personal cabinet; thus, it is not difficult to track it. If the task performed by the client requires the attention of the employee, he receives a notice
The FXNext system is unique in its kind. The broker no longer needs multiple terminals of different purposes, only one system is enough - all in one!
Multi terminal for forex, binary options and cryptocurrency trading
Mobile multi terminal app (ios, android) for forex, binary options and cryptocurrency trading
Client portal for multi terminal FXNext (manager part)
Client portal for multi terminal FXNext (admin part)
Webtrader for multi terminal FXNext
FXNext Multi trading platform DEMO
The offer price for brokers:
- Setup
- Android or iOS client
- Unlimited accounts
- Support service
- Setup
- Forex Trading Platform
- Binary Options Trading Platform
- Desktop client
- Unlimited accounts
- Support service
- Setup
- SSL\HSTS SHA-256 encryption
- Unlimited accounts
- Support service
Add for FXNext
CRM with payment processor + $0
Addon for FXNext